715-568-2384 | Monday-Friday 9:30am-6pm, Wednesday 9:30am-8pm, Saturday 9:30am-12pm |1519 17th Avenue Bloomer, WI 54724

Kids and Teens – Join us for Science Saturday on February 22, 2025, from 10:00 to 11:00  a.m. Learn how to code with this introduction to SCRATCH

This free workshop is intended for ages 8-16.

Learn basic programming logic that will aid you throughout life in a visual and block-based manner to allow you to make animations and video games! Scratch is a great way to learn the basics of coding without needing strong computer or typing skills beforehand. The library will provide some laptops, but the supply is limited, so either bring your own laptop or register to use one at the library.

Register at Click here to register for Coding with SCRATCH